Quality Policy
- Establish safe, stable and secure plants.
- Enhance stable quality and customer satisfaction by behaving customer's perspective.
- Aim at growing profitability with continued quality improvement.
Quality Management
Acquisition of ISO Certification
FURUYA METAL acquired ISO 9001:1994 in February 2000, and renewed its certification with the latest edition of ISO 9001:2008 in December 2009. The Company aims to continue maintaining and expanding this certification in the future in order to manage all of its manufactured products employing this quality management system as well as to meeting the needs and expectations of customers.
Furuya Metal acquired ISO14001 certification for its environmental management systems in January 2006. Going forward, the Company will make ongoing reductions in the burden on the global environment by striving to support technical innovations in clean energy, environmental cleanup, and valuable metal recycling from industrial waste.
The Company was certified in March 2009 as an Accredited Calibration Laboratory (conformity with ISO/IEC17025) by the Japan Calibration Service System (JCSS), corresponding to the International Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for the calibration of R thermocouples. We will continue our efforts to achieve even higher levels of quality under international standards.
[ Background to Acquiring ISO Certification ]
February 2000 | Tsukuba Plant | acquires ISO9001 certification |
January 2006 | Tsukuba Plant | acquires ISO14001: 2004 certification |
December 2006 | Tsukuba Plant | Certification renewed to ISO9001: 2008 |
January 2009 | Tsuchiura Plant | Expands ISO9001-ISO14001 certification |
March 2009 | Tsukuba Plant | Certified by JCSS as an Accredited Calibration Laboratory (ISO/IEC17025), corresponding to the International Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) |
January 2011 | Chitose Plant | Expands ISO9001-ISO14001 certification |
December 2017 | Tsukuba Plant、Tsuchiura Plant、 Chitose Plant | Certification renewed to ISO9001 and ISO14001 2015 |
December 2018 | Tsukuba Plant | Certification renewed to ISO17025 2017 |
Procurement policy
General procurement policy
- We comply with domestic and international laws, regulations and social norms, and conduct fair procurement activities that give due consideration to the environment, human rights, occupational safety and health, and corporate ethics.
- We fulfill our corporate social responsibility and engage in sound and sustainable procurement activities.
- We comply with information security and conduct procurement activities that ensure quality and safety.
About transaction procedures

In principle, procurement transactions are conducted based on written contracts.
For repeatable transactions, we will conclude a basic transaction agreement. We will also conclude a quality assurance agreement in principle from the perspective of ensuring quality and safety.
The contract to be concluded and the documents and information to be submitted vary depending on the nature of the transaction. For detailed procedures, please contact our procurement department.
About change management
We manage any event that involves change in the transaction according to our change application guidelines. Please follow the guideline, and if applicable, you are required to submit an application form for change twelve months prior to the time of such change.
Stable Metals Procurement

FURUYA METAL procures precious metals directly from three major mines in South Africa.
FURUYA METAL offers precious metals, focusing on platinum group metals (PGM), at stable prices and in stable volume and quality.
Stable Supply Cycle for PGMs

By working on the technically difficult recovery of iridium, ruthenium, and other metals, we have established original recovery technology. This has made possible efficient PGM recovery and high-purity refining across the range from high-grade materials to low-grade materials.
Responsible Minerals Procurement Policy
In procuring raw materials, Furuya Metal Group has established a procurement policy based on our belief that it is imperative to manage the risks in the business transactions involving platinum, palladium, tantalum, tungsten, tin, and gold. Furuya Metal Group strives not to procure raw materials related to conflict, complicity in terrorism, human rights violations, money laundering, etc.
Furuya Metal Group has established the "Furuya Metal’s Responsible Minerals Procurement Policy” in order to assess, recognize and avoid such risks all the way from the procurement of raw materials until the final products reach consumers.
For the details, please go to the following:
The Company has established and operates a whistleblowing hotline as a means for employees and others to directly provide information on any legally questionable conduct, etc.