Main Technology and Equipment
We specialize in the rare
metals of the platinum group.
There are things
that only we can

With sophisticated technology developed through our engagement with iridium, ruthenium, and other metals that are difficult to work with and difficult to recover, Furuya Metal develops high-purity, high-quality products, and recovers platinum group metals (PGM) using our own exclusive technology.

Manufacturing Technology
Plasma Melting and Sintering
Materials are melted in the high-temperature, high-pressure environment of a plasma melting furnace heated to a flame temperature of approximately 5,000℃. This leads to vaporization of impurities, enabling manufacture of high-purity, high-grade ingots. Using ultra-high temperature sintering technology, we are able to manufacture high-density, high-purity ingots even from material types not readily susceptible to melting and rolling.
Our premises are equipped with processing facilities such as plasma double melting machines, large-sized rolling mills, and cold/hot rolling mills that can respond to the trend toward large-dimension and high-precision specifications in PGM plate and which enable us to manufacture a diverse range of products. Our facilities are adapted for cold-rolling at up to 750 mmW and hot-rolling at up to 350 mmW.
Thin-Film Technology
Our premises are equipped with Class 100 cleanroom facilities, enabling the manufacture of a wide range of sputtering deposition materials adapted to the customer development and manufacturing environment.
Processing Technology
Thermocouple Assembly and Calibration
We carry out assembly processing in a Class 5000 cleanroom environment, while calibration is undertaken as an accredited enterprise compliant with the certification criteria of Article 143 of the Measurement Law and International Standard ISO/IEC17025.
Wire Discharge Devices
High-precision cutting of electric conductors allows us to manufacture a wide range of products, whether standard forms or irregular forms.
Instrument Manufacture
Our premises are equipped with expert processing technologies including welding and metal spinning facilities.
Analysis Technology
Raw Material and Product Analysis
We carry out a range of analyses from grade analysis of raw materials, products-in-process, and finished products using ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) to morphological analysis of ultra-thin surface layers using SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and other techniques.
Recovery and
Refining Technology-
Recovery and Refining Technology
We possess original technology capable of recovering everything from high-grade through to low-grade materials. Speedy and high-precision recovery and high-purity refining are performed at special chemical plants.